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Reading Room

Members' Briefings

We periodically publish briefings on a variety of subjects which are relevant to moorland

managers. These introductory briefings are available below as PDFs and are free for members and visitors to read or download.

Funded Studies


The Heather Trust frequently supports scientific studies into matters which relate to upland management, and are proud to do so in association with Prof. Rob Marrs, our President. (click on links for .doc files)

So What? Guides


Our So What? Guides explain the scientific conclusions so that practitioners can make good decisions based on the latest research

Heather Trust Conference 2018


Find out more about our Site Visit and Conference entitled "Rewetting, Rewilding and Vegetation Management" in the Peak District on October 23rd - Summary Document HERE

View presentations in a compressed PDF format HERE

Peatland Condition Assessment


If landowners and managers are unsure about the state of their peatlands, the Peatland Condition Assessment Guide, which has been published by the Trust, provides practical information to help assess their condition.


Using easily observed features and illustrative photographs, the guide helps to identifying the main categories of damaged peatland, providing the starting point for establishing whether or not any restoration work is required. 



Sphagnum Guide


The Heather Trust worked in conjunction with the  IUCN Peatland Programme and The MoorLIFE Project to produce this laminated field guide which has recently been published and is available to purchase from the Trust for £3.75 (£2.75 + £1 P&P). 


To order your copy e-mail Anne -

Heather for Holland​

We are in contact with a firm that uses heather as a biofiltration medium to remove smells from waste gases e.g. from coffee roasting or rendering processes.

This could be of interest if you have an area of long rank heather with good access that you want to cut. You may be able to get some money selling your heather, which could be offset against the cost of the work. Click to Find Out More...


​​Moorland Fire Fighting Insurance Cover

The Trust is delighted to be able to offer our members the opportunity to acquire Moorland Fire Fighting Insurance, through Lycetts. This is a special arrangement and the Trust will benefit from a payment that Lycetts make for every new policy taken out.

Members of the Trust will be aware that Lycetts have supported the Trust for many years through their advertisements in the Trust's publications, and we are delighted that this scheme has been set up.

Information can be obtained from Lycetts by clicking on the logo .




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